Comprehensive Insurance Programs

The Right Life Insurance Coverage for You

When it comes to comprehensive insurance programs, trust none other than ELITE FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. We are the go-to expert for various business owners and professionals in  need of reliable financial services that conform to industry standards. We are known for our good customer service, honest and straightforward solutions, and commitment to integrity. From group to life insurance, count on us. Continue browsing through our website to learn more about the programs we offer.


How Our Insurance Origination Process Works For You

Coverage Design

We work closely with companies and individuals to determine what will be the best fit in terms of coverage and cost. We look for opportunities to provide a lower cost but superior solution for our clients.

Market Survey

A market survey is undertaken to ensure we are offering competitive coverage and options. The market survey is presented to the client with an appropriate recommendation.


Group Insurance

Close support is provided to the plan administrator to make the administration of the group plan as seamless as possible. We work with the insurance carrier to negotiate renewal rates and we market group insurance plans on a cyclical basis to ensure that the group plan stays competitive. We monitor and will report on a semi-annual basis as per the requirements of the plan administrator.

We strive to solve any issues as quickly as possible to the satisfaction of the client.


Documentation is reviewed and collected to ensure an accurate and timely issuance of coverage. Any required follow-up or questions are treated in a high priority manner.

Coverage Implementation

Once a policy is issued, we meet with the client to review the coverage and answer any questions they may have. With group insurance coverage, we have an employee meeting to review the new group plan and advise on how best to utilize the coverage.



Do you have any questions about our insurance solutions? Perhaps you would like to learn more about the various insurance programs we offer? Kindly give us a call or send us an email for more information. We will gladly walk you through the services we provide for your convenience. We hope to hear from you soon!